ISO 069: Maruwa

Farbenfroh, lebendig, aufregend: Maruwa steht für einen vorwärtsgehenden und aktivierenden elektronischen Sound, gemacht für den Dancefloor. Inspiriert von 90er Raves findet man in ihren Sets unterschiedliche Stilelemente wie Progressive House, Trance und Techno. Wir treffen sie (und ihren Hund Toby) für unsere Fotostudie ISO 069 in ihrer Wahlheimat Offenbach am Main.
Fotos: @wilhelm.obj
What is your impression of the club music and scene in Frankfurt today? Are there any current trends that stand out?
I think today's music scene in Frankfurt is quite diverse, although it’s something that I haven't fully discovered yet. Recently there have been appearing a lot of young promoters eager to develop the underground scene here and constantly invite new, fresh faces to play at their parties. And what’s especially important, is that they are interested in different genres from fast techno and trance to breakbeat and R’n’B. Among them, I could highlight Paranormal Eight, Oyster Hour, and GG VYBE. Moreover, the creators of EOS radio also make a big contribution to the development of the scene by inviting new residents. And of course, we should not forget about core venues such as Robert Johnson, Galerie Kurzweil, and Tanzhaus West.
What happened to the so called Sound of Frankfurt or is it rather a piece for the museum?
For me, this is definitely not a museum piece! I keep looking for the 90's sets from Omen, Dorian Gray, and also old Clubnacht DJ-broadcast recordings from Hessen radiostation HR3, a catalog of Eye-Q records, and so on. They inspire me a lot! In the sets of Sven Väth, DJ Dag, and Torsten Fenslau among others, I often find real gems that I play in my sets.
What is your music about? What drives you?
It is difficult for me to give one description of my music except for the fact it is dance music. I think everyone finds their own meaning in it. Though as a DJ, I love when there is not just one emotion that drives people on the dance floor, such as the unbridled happiness of UK hardcore or the complete darkness of industrial techno, it’s important for me when it is like a trip through complex emotions from slight sadness to euphoria. And I try to embody this in my own music. Well, probably, for this variety of moods, I love the old trance from the 90s and early 2000s, and my latest tracks were influenced a lot by this.
Can you give us a little insight into how you prepare your sets?
Nothing special: first of all, I check a little bit about the venue’s history, what time I play, and who are other DJs in the lineup. So that I can try to predict the vibe (which is not always working). Then I use Pioneer Rekordbox for the preparation of my set. As for the search for the music itself, apart from Soundcloud, Bandcamp and Discogs I also find a lot on the thematic Youtube channels dedicated to trance and progressive house. I play a lot of 90’s stuff, and sometimes I do my own edits: I warp them in Ableton, move parts here and there; sometimes I can add a layer of sub-bass, kick, or even cymbals. And voila… the track fits perfectly along with modern productions!
What's next for you?
Soon, I will have an EP coming out on one UK label, and it will be darker than the previous ones. I think that'll probably reveal another side of me as an artist to my audience. I also have a lot of gigs scheduled in German and European clubs this autumn – no one knows what awaits us in the coming winter, so I enjoy every opportunity to play somewhere and meet new people!
Maria Believskaya aka Maruwa ist DJ und Produzentin. Ursprünglich aus St. Petersburg, ist ihre Base mittlerweile in Offenbach am Main. Inspiriert von ´90 und ´00er Sounds ihrer Kindheit und Jugend, produziert sie schnelle und vorwärtsgehende Sounds mit Trance, Progressive House, Acid, Drum & Bass und Techno-Elementen. Maruwa ist gelernte Pianistin und Tontechnikerin und macht Musik seit dem 14. Lebensjahr.